Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Doll Shelves

 I am so proud of this project!!! Here's what I made:

Okay so how did I make this?? Well it took a few days, only because I didn't work straight through, and I was hopping around between a few projects.  And I didn't have instructions, only a picture I found off of Pinterest. 
1.  I measured where I was going to hang the doll shelves.  I then went to Lowe's (love that store!) and had them cut two pieces of wood.  At first I was going to make 4 shelves, but figured that was too many.  Plus I didn't have enough drawer pulls to hang with (more on that later)  I bought a 1x3x4 and a 1x4x4 and had them cut it in half, so they are I think 24 inches long. I am very limited on space and I didn't want them sticking out too far.
2.  I then painted the pieces white.  I knew that I was going to use color in my fabric so I went with a  basic white; plus I had it already for another project.  Why waste??
3.  I finally finished painting them, it took two days because I waited for one side to dry before I painted the other.  I only put on one coat of paint.  I admit it, I got lazy and wanted to finish the project.  I have people coming to Bunco next week and I wanted this project done!
4.  So before I even started the painting I went to Hobby Lobby to buy fabric.  I didn't know how much I needed, or how long it needed to be.  So I bought 2 yards.  BIG mistake.  I didn't even use a yard, and I had to start over! As I'm pushing around Hobby Lobby I find these awesome drawer pulls marked down. And at 3 dollars each, I don't really know how "marked down" that is!  But I fell in love with them.  Only problem, they only had 5.  And I needed 8.  So I grabbed 4 of them.  Then I look some more and found the black ones.  They only had 3 (what's with the odd numbers??)  So I got two.  And that's how I decided I was only doing 3 shelves. 

5.  I bought 3 fabrics.  The outside (stripes), the inside (pink/brown), and the middle (a canvas material that was marked down) So the following steps are what I did the SECOND time through, because the first time was trial and error!

6.  I cut my canvas first.  I decided that I wanted to cut each strip 2 inches wide.  I don't know what it measures out to after I sewed it.  I'm sure less.  I used the entire width of the canvas (which was 33 inches)  The length I cut out was 12 inches (i needed 6 strips, so 6 x 2 in = 12 in)

7.  Next I layered my fabric on the ironing board.  I put the striped fabric right side up then placed the pink/brown fabric wrong side up on top of it.  I then put my cut canvas over them both.  I pinned into place and generously cut out my large rectangle.

8.  I moved back to my table now, I had a bunch of cutting to do, and wanted to sit for it.  So the first thing I did was clean up my edges.

8.  Next I measure out 2 inch strips and marked cutting lines.  I'm still getting used to this rotary cutter and cannot make a straight line!  So having it already drawn for me really helped! Then I cut all the strips out.  

9.  So I mentioned I'm still new at this cutting business.  My blade was really dusty from all the fibers or what not on it.  So I thought I'd just wipe it off real quick. And I thought "Okay it's sharp, I'll use a piece of discarded fabric to clean with"  HAHAHA  I cut the fabric and my finger! And earlier I cut the ironing board cover too... Thankfully no blood (and there was a lot of blood) got on my fabric!

10.  So now I'm done with the cutting, bandaged finger and all.  Next I sewed them, leaving one end open so I can turn them right side out. This is where I discovered I did it wrong on the first try.  

11.  I used a drumstick to turn them out.  I pushed the drumstick into the sewed end and pulled the fabric down and over (if that makes sense).  I'm at a loss of words here on how to explain how I did this.  It was 2:30 in the morning and I was getting sleepy, somehow my mind was still working enough to figure out how to turn them.  You can't see, but my little one decided to use the table as a fort and is fast asleep at my feet! 

12.  So yay they are all turned correctly now.  Just a quick press on the ironing board and a trim so they are all the same length, and time for bed!

13.  Opps I didn't take pictured for this next step.  I put the fabric through the drawer pulls and sewed the ends together.  Yeah that's it.

14.  Then with the help of my father, we hung them up. We decided the height of the bottom one, hung it up, then moved our way up.  It was easy this way to figure out the spacing.

 Here's a link to the picture I based mine off of:

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